The Bartimaeus Blog 2019.21
Hello loved ones. I hope that God’s goodness has been evident to you this week. Here’s some more good stuff coming your way.
We missed Priscilla last week and those she brings with her on the bus, but we still had good attendance. She is doing better and I expect everything back to normal this Sunday. In Sunday school Linda gave us the “secret of endurance” and I spoke on throwing off the old self and putting on the new. The podcast episodes are there if you missed it.
Monday will be Memorial Day, when we remember those who have given their lives in service to our country. As I thought about that this week, I asked myself, “what are you willing to die for?” With our tenancy toward hyperbolic speech, that phrase, “to die for,” gets used a lot now. It makes me sad when I hear it, because it is usually used in reference to something that is absolutely not worth dying for, like a really good dish or a pleasurable experience.
But there are things in this life worth dying for. If asked most of us might list one or two things for which we would willingly risk or even give up our lives, but we usually do so from the comfortable assumption that we will probably not be required to make good on our word. If the time should come, how many of us would fold like Peter on the night of Jesus’ trial? I hope we’ll never have to find out, but we may take comfort in the knowledge that Peter was restored and went on to have a key roll in God’s young church.
Jesus thought something important enough to die for. I should say, “someone.” That someone was you! That someone was me! Our text will be from Romans 5:1-8. My sermon will definitely not be to die for, but we’ll see what is.
Pray for each other. Encourage and help each other. I should say keep on doing that, as we have some shining examples among us. Let’s not forget to thank them for all that they do. See you Sunday!
Love y’all,