The Bartimaeus Blog 2019.3
Blessings to you, church family and friends. It’s cold outside but our hearts are warm as we bring you this update.
It was good to see a few more back with us last week, though we missed the ones who were out sick. I did talk to Ruth today and she is feeling much better. I’ve been fighting a cold the last few days, but I’m turning the corner and I’ll be there.
Priscilla encouraged us to keep up the challenge she set before us the week before. She and Kimi shared their experiences as they endeavored to meet the goal of blessing someone else every day. That’s a great example for the rest of us.
I spoke from the book of Ezekiel about our responsibility to share what God has given us. We are accountable for the word we have from God. This week I want to continue the theme by exploring the message that we proclaim. Over the years there has been much controversy over how we should present the Gospel. Is a message of fire and damnation appropriate? Is a message focusing only on the love of God any more appropriate? The answer is probably yes to both, depending on the circumstance. But overall how should we approach the process of explaining who God is and what He wants from us to those who do not believe?
It is not a question of whether we focus on His love or His judgment. The message is instead that His judgment is part of His love. He does not take pleasure in death, but in life! I will read from Ezekiel 33:10-11. This is part of a passage very similar to the one we read last week, but a couple of differences help explain more completely what God is saying.
I hope you’ll join us. In Sunday school, Linda will be teaching on a related subject that most of us will be able to identify with and I know you will be blessed. Keep each other in your prayers and pray for our church. Encourage each other throughout the week. Let’s all brave the cold tomorrow and heat that place up!
Love y’all!