The Bartimaeus blog 2020.2
Joy to you, loved ones! It’s time to find out what God is doing next at BBT!
Last Sunday was rather special to me. Each week I endeavor to share something that will be helpful to the church and I ask the Lord for inspiration. There have been other times when I have been sure that He gave it to me, but this was the first time I I knew that He had given me something specific to say. Check out the podcast if you missed it.
We missed Cathy and Ruth. I talked with them this evening and they are doing much better. It’s not the same without them so it will be good to have them back. Kelvin called and said he’s ready to come back too.
This Sunday, I want to offer some more encouragement. When I think about Don Whitmore starting this church over 61 years ago, I wonder what it was like. Did anyone tell him it wouldn’t be possible? Obviously he found the support he needed because we are here, but I wonder how many people thought, “Oh that’s nice but it’ll never work. Why don’t you just work with another church and set up a class or something?” Maybe they laughed at him. But it wouldn’t be the first time God promised to do something that seemed so impossible that people laughed at the idea.
Consider Abram. God had already promised him that his descendants would be numerous like the stars in the sky, but Abram still thought he needed to help God out a little. At Sarai’s urging, he took up with her servant girl. The product of that union was Ismael. Then God spoke to Abram again. He instituted the practice of circumcision as a mark of His covenant, and gave both Abram and his wife new names. These are the ones we all recognize, Abraham and Sarah. Then He told Abraham that he would have a son by Sarah. By this time Abraham is 100 and Sarah 90 years old.
Abraham’s response was to fall down laughing! When Sarah was of child bearing age they didn’t have any, and now they are old. Not only does the thing seem impossible, They are now expected to begin calling each other “Father of a multitude” and “Noble woman, or Princess!” This was too much for Abraham, but God was serious. Yet I think He also shows evidence of a humorous side here, because he tells Abraham to name his son Isaac. That name means, “he laughs.” Our text will be Genesis 17:15-19.
I believe God has also given us a big promise that seems laughable when viewed through human eyes. Church attendance is down all over. A typical church, sadly much like most organizations, has about 20% of the people doing most of the work. Our mission is to engage people with disabilities, so we’re reaching out to a population that has limitations making it even harder for them to participate in the life of the church. How can we expect to have a vibrant, growing, healthy church under these conditions? We can expect it because God is faithful. I believe He wants to use us to show the church and the world that He values every life, and that every life has a purpose. Our fulfillment comes in doing what God made us to do.
Come join us and bring a friend!
Love y’all,