The Bartimaeus Blog 2020.43
Blessings to you, loved ones. At this point you will probably see this after the fact, but here’s what’s going on at BBT.
Even though our numbers are small, I felt encouraged last week just by being together and being there for each other. I believe God’s hand is on this church and He has good things in store. We just need to keep trusting Him and keep doing what we know. Part of the reason I’m writing this so late is that I had trouble coming up with today’s message. Yesterday afternoon I was writing in my journal, which takes the form of written prayer, and asking God what I should say. That is when this came to me.
When someone asks you, “What do you want?”, what is the first thing that comes to mind? That probably depends on the context. The answer will be different in a serious conversation than at a restaurant. We all want something, and usually there are layers to that desire. We want something because we think it will fill a deeper want or need that we have.
Let’s ask the question differently. What is the desire of your heart? What do you lay awake at night and think about? Does it seem out of reach? Maybe you’ve heard that God wants to give you the desire of your heart, but it remains unfulfilled. Maybe we need a better understanding of what that means. Our text will be Psalm 37:3-6. Here David gives us the key. I look forward to sharing it with you this afternoon.
Love y’all!
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