The Bartimaeus Blog 2022.1
Happy Friday! Vacations are over. The decorations are or soon will be back in their boxes waiting for the next season. I hope everyone is rested and ready for the new year. It feels like a better one already. I don’t know what’s coming, but I trust our Lord to see us through and finish what He started. I confess, though I have come to have a positive attitude toward all the festivities, I’m also glad when they’re over. Let’s get to work!
we are still facing our challenges. Pris and Kimi are fighting illness again. They did get their truck running. Brenda told us Don was having a little trouble this week but seems fine now. Always lift each other up in prayer.
This week we will continue from the last message with a closer look at the next parable that Jesus gave while speaking to the Pharisees at the temple. This one is even more pointed. It was a message to Israels leaders, but there is much for us to reflect upon as well. We’ll read from Matthew 21:33-44, but again it will be helpful to review the entire chapter for context.
Last Sunday, Cathy challenged us all to bring someone with us. I know that’s harder to do these days, but I hope we can all accept the challenge. We can’t make them come, but we can sure invite them. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.
See you there!
Love y’all,