The Bartimaeus Blog 2023.8
Good morning, friends. I hear we have the chance of severe weather today, but we know the One who commands the storms. I hope you’ll come on out and join us this afternoon. Many churches will be celebrating what we call Palm Sunday, where we commemorate the “triumphal entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem. He rode in on a donkey. People were waiving palm branches in the air and proclaiming, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!” How quickly things would change!
We do not have any special activities planned for today, but we do intend to worship Jesus. It’s always special when His people come together to honor Him.
We’ll pick up our study of John’s Gospel today with an overview of Chapter 7. John records Jesus saying many of the same things He has said all along, but in slightly different ways. We’ll hit the highlights, and spend a bit more time with verses 37-39. I pray that you will be refreshed today in rivers of living water.
Love y’all!