This week we will be going Old School in the Old Testament
in Isaiah the 5th Chapter Vs 1-2
We will be talking about Christians with a conflict of interest.
We have spoken many times about how the choices we make in life help determine who we are. It makes a difference what we do but it also makes a difference why we do it.
We have to set priorities in our life and stick to them. We have to make the right choices for the right reason. We don’t always make the right decision but we should be striving to have the right reasons for the things we do.
I am excited about the future of our church but we are going to have to make some commitments and choices over the next few weeks and months they will take us in the direction God is leading us. To make these decisions we will need to be praying and reading the scripture God is laying on our Hearts. We don’t want to just look like the sweet grapes on the vine we want to be sweet taste in God’s mouth.
Invite someone to come to church with you on Sunday and make this week a special week by making the right choices and honoring the commitments we have made to each other and to God. Do something Good for somebody and I will see you on Sunday!!!
David Whitmore