Tuesday September 30,2008
Well we have made it through another month and what a month it was. We celebrated our 50th Anniversary as a church, we are making progress on the remolding of the Church, and we have all been blessed to just have been able to enjoy the blessings God has given us.
Last Sunday brother Joel reminded us of how we are to “Experiment with God.” I hope we can all really adapt that to our lives and step out and do what we believe God has for us to do. So many time we sit around waiting to hear a specific word from God and we have missed out on many opportunities to help someone because we have been afraid to trust what we already know to do. I encourage you, as well as myself, to reach for new areas to expand our Faith to work hard to bring the Kingdom of God down to this earth so we can make a difference in the people’s lives we touch. We wont make a difference if there is not something diffrent about us.
This week’s sermon is called ” The Blessing Complex “. the scripture for this week is Philippians 3: 7-15. This week has been a very difficult week for our Country. We are seeing our economy fail all around us and the government is trying to step in and save us from ourselves. What a mess! The question is how can we fix it? Well to begin with we will have to get our priorties in the right place. In the scripture verses for this week Paul says those things we counted as profit or all worthless compared to knowing Christ Jesus. We are blessed because God has chosen us, each and every one of us, to pass this blessing along to others. When we truly understand that our gr eastest assets are not what we have accumulated here on Earth but what we are doing to advance the Kingdom of God, we wont have to worry about depressions and ressicions we will understand how we have been truly blessed. That is a promise from God. He has promised in his word When my People who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and turned from their wicked ways, then will I hear their prayers from heaven and heal their land. Our Land needs healing, our Lives need healing and our spirit needs healing. Lets develop a blessing complex so we can praise God and bless others.
The State Fair excursion is quickly approaching so be sure to let me know if you are going. Don’t let the lack of money keep you from going with us as the church has been given the funds to let every member who wants to go have enough to get in and have plenty to eat for that day. We will meet at the Church around 8 am and have breakfast and leave from there. Hope to see you there and I hope to see you in Church on Sunday. Invite a guest and share a blessing with someone this week. We love you!
Pastor David