Message by Larry Thacker Jr from December 29, "Moving God"
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We may think of God as being somewhat remote. If we’ve been taught correctly, we know better. WE know that His Holy Spirit lives within us as believers,, that He hears us when we pray,, that He guides and protects …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Shelly is looking forward to a new pair of shoes. Her housemate Kim is doing better. Clarke is doing a little better. Brenda is thankful for Priscilla’s help. Shelly asks prayer for her …Continue reading →
What a year it has been! It hasn’t turned out quite the way we might have hoped, but good things have happened. We stand firm in the conviction that Our mission remains. In anticipation of great things to come, we …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from December 15, "Questioning God"
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The Gospel of Luke gives us two accounts of angelic visitations in the first chapter. The first is to Zacharias, a priest serving in the temple. The second is to Mary, a young lady engaged to be married who learns …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Jim got a good report from the doctor. Larry is thankful that his work assignment went well. Cathy is thankful to have made progress getting their house ready for sale. She is thankful …Continue reading →
It was good to have all our regulars back last Sunday, and some beloved friends as well. Now let’s keep bringing them in! The stonework around the sidewalks was completed on Friday, and I’m told it looks very nice. I …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Don is thankful for Priscilla’s help. Barbara had praise, but I didn’t understand it. Debra is thankful for positive developments in her family. Keep praying for Larry’s dad. Remember Don. Pray for Scott. …Continue reading →