Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 23: Peace in His Pleasure
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I read from the traditional Christmas story in Luke 2:4-14. We focus on verse 14. Depending on the version you read from, it would seem to say two or three different things. What’s going on here and what’s the right …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I am sorry the to be posting them so late. I suppose I can add a praise that I have been able to relax and got to see family on Monday. The Terrells …Continue reading →
Merry Christmas, loved ones! Jest keep reading for a joyful journal of events past, present, and future at BBT. We had our Christmas celebration last Sunday with plenty for all thanks to the folks from the Heights Church as well …Continue reading →
I don’t have much in the way of detail but Priscilla asked us to pray for Iris D who is having or had a medical procedure. She also mentioned this morning that she was about to take Lisa to the …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Travis is anticipating his Christmas presents. :). Leanne did well in school. Kimi is thankful for the church and family during this hard time. Ana is glad to be here and we’re glad …Continue reading →
Merry Christmas y’all! Read on for the latest on what God is doing at BBT. I enjoyed our time together last week. I hope you did too if you were there. We sure missed having Priscilla with us though. You …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 9: The Original Baptist
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In this message we continue through the events surrounding the birth of Jesus with at the birth of John the baptist. We begin from Zacharias’ prophecy in Luke 1:68-79 and explore the life of this unique an uniquely honored man …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Anita’s son is recovering well. Cathy’s grandson Brandon is out of the hospital. Cindy and her family enjoyed Christmas season related activities together. Tim continues to improve. Ruth had a good week with …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, family and friends. Here’s you’re weekly update. It was good to be with you all last Sunday. I really appreciate Priscilla’s efforts to engage everyone in the Sunday school time. Since we have so little time together …Continue reading →