Message by Pastor David Whitmore for April 8: I Want to See the Proof Like Thomas Did
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This week I want to pick up where we left off in the scripture verses last week. John 20: 19-30. Mary had told the disciples that she has seen the Lord and he was alive! But they were still hiding …Continue reading →
Priscilla teaches of God’s mercy and grace along with the necessity of our obedience. She had a little competition from the front row. It was not quite on topic but I’m not about to edit out someone giving glory to …Continue reading →
Pray with us and rejoice with us over what God has done. Keep praying for Tim. The effects of the stroke were severe. Cindy reported that he is beginning to improve and will start therapy tomorrow. Anita asks prayer for …Continue reading →
The pastor already mentioned this in his weekly update today, but i wanted to bring it to the top in case some didn’t read all the way through. Tim had a stroke last night and is now in ICU at …Continue reading →
What a glorious Easter we had last week. It was nice to see Bobbi & Zach back with us. Priscilla taught a Sunday School lesson about doing the will of God regardless of our circumstances, God is worthy to be …Continue reading →
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for April 1: Christ Was Not Stolen; He Is Alive!
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This Sunday we look at that first Easter morning when Mary came to visit the grave site. The scripture verses are in the Gospel of John 20:1-18. There is so much going on in these scriptures, Mary sees the stone rolled …Continue reading →
Priscilla teaches us to submit to the will of God when circumstances are beyond our understanding. She introduced the segment with a song which is not included in the podcast so that we do not violate copyright, but you can …Continue reading →
He is risen! Rejoice with us and pray with us. Lupe rejoices that her feet are not swelling anymore after a medication change. Bobbie, Leanne’s mother, rejoices to be feeling well and to be able to be with us fir …Continue reading →
Welcome to Easter week at BBT. I hope you are making plans to join us this Sunday. Last week Pris talked about all the violence we are faced with every week. She explained how we are to show the peace …Continue reading →