Message by Pastor David Whitmore for March 4: Guess Who is Coming to Dinner
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This week I bring to you a message about how we make excuses for not answering the invitation that God offers us. The Scripture verses are Matthew 22:1-14. This is the parable of the master offering an invitation to the …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. It’s good to see so many back with us today. Kelly moved into her apartment. We’re thankful Ruth is here and doing well after a fall this morning. Cindy rejoices in getting things …Continue reading →
I hope you are having a blessed week and able to stay dry. We have had more rain this last week than in a long time and the potholes in the road are showing it. As we begin the month …Continue reading →
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for February 25: IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU
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This week I talk to you about something I believe is one of the things wrong about this world today. It is the attitude that we are always looking at what is in it for me? It seems it is …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Ruth is thankful to be here and for all of Cathy’s care. Kelly is moving Thursday. We’re praising the Lord because the rain has ended and we can see the sun. Tim rejoices …Continue reading →
Thank you to all followers of BBT. We really appreciate your support and encouragement. This week we learned about the passing of one of the greatest men of our time, Billy Graham. I was lucky to hear Mr. Graham speak …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. for February 18: Let Me See Your Fruit
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Every two years, we’re subjected to a barrage of political advertising telling us why the candidate is the best choice and what’s wrong with the opposition.. How do you know what to believe? That question isn’t limited to politics.. We …Continue reading →
Sunday School by Linda Thacker for February 18: Let Your Legacy Stand
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Linda teaches us to “stand firm” Eph 6:13. She ended with a song that was not included in order to avoid copyright issues, but you can watch a live performance here.
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Kelly is moving to a new place. We rejoice that Linda is with us! Ruth praises the Lord to be here. Kimi is thankful for the Lord’s provision to Edward though he was …Continue reading →