Message by Larry Thacker Jr. for August 20: All Things
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This week I speak from a passage and especially a verse that we can all probably quote. I bet most of us have also had it quoted at us, and may have had less than righteous thoughts toward the person …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Ruth is thankful to be here and for her family. Cathy is also thankful for family that came to visit last week. Kim is thankful for a reconciliation with a friend. Brenda is …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, family and friends. Here’s your weekly update. If you wonder why I always start that way, it’s because of the way our posts get sent to Facebook. It’s helpful to start out with something that lets the …Continue reading →
Extracted from her text: “Shopping for houses with Barbara and Richard we met a family whose brother died last night. One sister has ALS. She seemed to get around ok but had to write notes because she could not speak. …Continue reading →
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for August 13: what Does It Mean to Fear God?
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I talk this week about when we fear God we are actually set free from our fears. I am going to be in Psalms 25 and I am going to read all 22 verses. This is a prayer from the …Continue reading →
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for August 6: What Are You Hungry For?
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This week I talk about a story that is found in all four of the gospels. I am going to be in Matthew the 14Th chapter vs 13-21. This is the amazing story of Jesus feeding over 5000 people with …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Ruth praises the lord to be here. She’s doing much better. Debra is back and also feeling better. Pam got to go to Denton to see Chris’s mom. Edith is feeling better since …Continue reading →