We invite you to join us in our resurrection Day celebration and fellowship. It will be a bit untraditional, as we have lots of leftover food from our cookout. So, if you’ve had enough of ham, come have a hamburger! …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from March 24, "Believe and Obey"
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Last Sunday, we discussed that well-known passage in John, Chapter 3, where Jesus explains to Nicodemus that one must be “born again” to enter God’s kingdom. Here we have the Gospel message in Jesus’ own words, containing the famous verse …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Don is rejoicing in the sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrifice. Debra rejoices that her stepfather has thus far survived cancer. Leann had a good weekend. I got an interview. We are rejoicing in the …Continue reading →
I doubt anyone missed it, but i never got around to posting last week with all the activity leading up to our Saturday outreach effort. Despite the rain, I’m calling that a success! About sixty people came by and five …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from March 17, "Born Again"
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Due to circumstances at the time, we jumped over chapter 3, so now I am filling it in so that we can pick up in our study with the resurrection in two weeks. If I ask you if you’ve been …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from March 10, "That The Scripture Would Be Fulfilled"
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Our study continues with John 19:17-42. Jesus has been arrested and brought to Pilate, the Roman governor. Though He can find no justification for it, he succumbs to pressure and threats from the chief priests and orders that Jesus be …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. All is going well for Cathy as she prepares for her move. We are thankful to have visitors. Brenda had a good week and looks forward to spring break. We are excited that …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from March 3, "Who Is Your King?"
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Our text is from John 19:1-16. Jesus has been brought before Pilate, and the crowd is demanding that He be crucified. Palate’s behavior is in terns cautious and contemptuous. He taunts the chief priests with their powerlessness by parading the …Continue reading →