Message by Pastor David Whitmore for August 28: Mercy Over Rules
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In this week’s message podcast: The scripture verse this week is Luke 13:10-17. This is the story of Jesus in the synagogue and he sees a woman that is almost bent in half. She had been that way for many …Continue reading →
Ruth praises the Lord that her sister is doing so well and plans to come for homecoming. Don is getting more work. He is thankful for provision until more comes in. Priscilla is feeling better , though she is still …Continue reading →
We’re making some changes at to make the site better organized an easier to use. The biggest improvement will be that the podcasts will be integrated into the site and won’t require so many clicks to get to. Along …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. We delight in having Linda back with us today, me especially! She is also making good progress on getting the photos ready to share that she was given from the church. Ruth says …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, family and friends of Bartimaeus Baptist Temple. I’m looking forward to sharing with you again this Sunday. We were missing some folks last Sunday, but we also got a visit from old friends. Priscilla urged us to …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. We’re delighted to have visitors with us today! Nathaniel is thankful for help preparing for a job. Ruth praises the Lord that her sister is doing well and plans to be here for …Continue reading →
Praise the Lord with us for His goodness. Pray with us over these requests. Shelly is concerned about the changes being made to Clarke’s medication. Pray for both of their health. She prays for a friend Walter hose health is …Continue reading →