Rejoice with us and pray with us. April enjoyed her time in Florida. Cathy rejoices in getting much of her Christmas shopping done. Pris is gretful to be alright after her accident. Brenda is thankful that she had a good …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 26, When the Spirit Comes"
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We pick up our study with John Chapter 16. As we begin, Jesus is still speaking to the disciples about the persecution that will come to them for the sake of His name. Then, he returns to the topic of …Continue reading →
I hope you were all able to enjoy time with family and friends this Thanksgiving, and that each of us took a moment to consider how much we do have to be thankful for. We all face difficulties in our …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 19, "Not Of This World"
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We continue with our study of John’s gospel in Chapter 15, verses 18-27. Jesus has been preparing His disciples for his immanent departure. He has told them to love each other and showed them what He means. He has told …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Debra had a good time with a friend on Friday. Linda is doing better. Cathy’s brother nad a safe and successful trip. Kay is recovering a bit but still needs our prayers. Cathy …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, family and friends of BBT. I never did write down the prayer requests from last week. I started that practice back when we first built the web site. I thought it would be a good way for …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 12, "Is Jesus Your BFF"
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Larry Nov 9 Do you ever think about Jesus as your friend? What does that mean? I think that the word “friend” may be the second most abused word in the English language, the first being the word “love.” It …Continue reading →
Do you ever think about Jesus as your friend? What does that mean? I think that the word “friend” may be the second most abused word in the English language, the first being the word “love.” It has always been …Continue reading →
Please forgive my tardiness in getting these out. When I got home, I completely forgot that I needed to transcribe the recording this week since I had to MC the prayer time. Linda is slowly getting better. My dad is …Continue reading →