Message by Larry Thacker Jr from December 8, "Name That Prophet"
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Jesus fulfilled a minimum of 300 old Testament prophecies while He lived among us. Some put the number much higher, based on the reading of more scripture as having a messianic prophetic intent. As we enjoy the Christmas season, lets …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from December 1, "Beauty in the Begats"
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Are there parts of the Bible you read just because you’re supposed to? Maybe you use one of those reading plans that takes you through the Bible in a year, and so you struggle through the numbers, the pages of …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Pris reports that her friend Sharon turned out not to have cancer. Kimi is getting better. Shelly is thankful to have good people working with her. She is thankful that her heat works, …Continue reading →
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving celebration. Linda and I ended up spending a quiet day at home, and that was just fine with us. I am thankful just to have a little time to rest. Now, the Christmas season …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from November 24, "A Choice to Rejoice"
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Joy is one of those words that gets loaded with layers of meaning when it gets run through the Christianese dictionary. We’ll say things like, “You may not always be happy, but you can always have joy.” What? When I …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Don is thankful to be here despite the medical challenges. Brenda was thankful that they had enough food the night before for the fellowship even though the turkey got away. I enjoyed spending …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from November 17, "Prayer, Praise, and Power"
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We like to think that if we do everything right, our lives will be easier. There is some truth in that. In general, when we do life God’s way, it works better. But when we really set out to serve …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us.Debra’s stepfather is recovering. I’m thankful for a new officer taking my place at another non-profit I have been with for several years so that I can focus on other priorities. Don’s procedure went …Continue reading →