Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 11, "That Those Who Do Not See May See"
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we pick up where we left off in John, Chapter 9. After Jesus healed a man who was blind, the people hauled the man up before the Jewish leadership. Under hostile questioning, he again offers powerful testimony about what Jesus …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy had a good time on her trip to see family. Debra is enjoying a new dog. Cindy is thankful for progress on her medical issues and looks forward to spending time with …Continue reading →
We had a good time last Sunday. At least, I thought so. It was good to have Debra back with us and to have Richard and Barbara with us. We missed Pris. I expect all will be well next week. …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 4, "That The Works of God Might Be Displayed"
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We resume our study of John with Chapter 9. This passage troubled me for many years. It’s the story of the blind man that Jesus healed by putting clay on his eyes and sending him to the Pool of Siloam …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. April was glad to get to speak with her aunt. Cathy was thankful to be able to be here as she expected to be out of town. Cindy enjoyed her grandson’s graduation. Debra …Continue reading →
I enjoyed our time together last Sunday. I hope you did too. I only wish we all could have been there, but there will be other opportunities, Lord willing. This Sunday, we’ll go back to our study of John with …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from may 28, "Worth Remembering"
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On Memorial Day weekend, many have Monday off. We often take the opportunity to get with friends and family and enjoy good food and the good weather. I think that’s great! When we share a meal, we are sharing more …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. April is enjoying her weekend. Brenda looks forward to Summer break. Cathy enjoyed dinner with a neighbor. Cathy asks prayer for a friend Galen who is experiencing complications after back surgery. Cathy has …Continue reading →
Hello loved ones. I hope you are getting a chance to enjoy the weekend. I am looking forward to a day off on Monday. I’m also looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! We’ll be having a picnic style meal …Continue reading →