Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 2, "Rivers of Living Water"
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We pick up our study of John’s Gospel with an overview of Chapter 7. John records Jesus saying many of the same things He has said all along, but in slightly different ways. We’ll hit the highlights, and spend a …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy’s friend Jim came through his cancer surgery well. Cindy enjoyed the week with her family. Those of us who rely on DART are happy that their on-demand program will continue after all. …Continue reading →
Good morning, friends. I hear we have the chance of severe weather today, but we know the One who commands the storms. I hope you’ll come on out and join us this afternoon. Many churches will be celebrating what we …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 26, "Is There Such a Thing as Sin?"
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The wword “sin” is disappearing from our culture. As we drift further away from our Christian roots, terminology that many of us grew up with is unknown to many in the younger generations. We didn’t all believe them, but we …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy enjoyed her week. They got an unexpected blessing. Cindy also had a good week. I found out that I get more work than I first thought, but still get some much needed …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 19, "Feed on the Word"
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In this message, we will focus on John 6:51-58 and cover the rest of the chapter. Here, Jesus concludes the lesson that began back at verse 4. Many of His followers couldn’t stomach it, and walked away from Him, but …Continue reading →
Sunday School by Linda Thacker from March 19, "My Final Answer"
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The “He Gets Us” ads present a Jesus just like us. There is truth in that, but is it the whole truth? Is it truth that can save anyone? The central message of the Christian faith is the good news …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Il enjtime at church and dinner with friends. Kimi rejoices in feeling better and being at church today. Cathy enjoyed getting things done and spending time with family. Brenda enjoyed her week off. …Continue reading →