Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 19, "I Am; Do Not Be Afraid"
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We’ve been studying the book of John. This week’s text is John 6:15-21. Jesus has just finished feeding over 5,000 people with a kid’s lunch, and has sent the disciples ahead of him while He dismisses the crowds. We learn …Continue reading →
Sunday School by Linda Thacker from February 19, "Say I Won't"
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Drawing from the inspirational story of Gary Miracle, Linda encourages us all to keep doing what we can. Her presentation included the two videos below, the first presented as an introduction and the second as a finale. The Story of …Continue reading →
It’s late Saturday evening as I write this, and I’m looking for some catchy opening to grab your attention. Obviously, that’s not happening. So, Let me just say I hope to see you tomorrow. If you’re a regular, we miss …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 12, "Food for Thought"
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We’ll be continuing our journey through the gospel of John with Chapter 6. Versus 1-14 present to us a story many of us probably grew up hearing. It is one of the few that occur in all four of the …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy and Benny got good medical reports. They enjoyed the weekend. Brenda is thankful to get extra hours. I might have missed one or two due to a technical issue. Pris enjoyed time …Continue reading →
I’m pumped today! I’m thinking about seeing almost everyone last week and of the joy of seeing you again tomorrow. I’m also excited because I love God’s word, and I love finding new life in old passages that we think …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 5, "Testify to the Truth"
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We conclude our study of John, Chapter 5 as Jesus now turns to 4 “testimonies” that corroborate his claims. The chapter end with a scathing rebuke of those who should have known Him, but refuse to believe.
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Benny is Covid free and Cathy is feeling better. Jim is back at work. Cindy enjoyed spending time with her daughter. Brenda enjoyed some time off and seeing Barbara. Pris asks prayer for …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 29, "Those Who Hear Will Live"
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Our study will be from John 5:25-30, continuing with Jesus’ words after the healing of the sick man at Bethesda. He adds more depth to the statements he made in verses 18-24 that we read last week. The time has …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. April and debra enjoyed the weekend together. Brenda said the Dallas Christian Fellowship of the Blind meeting was good last night. They usually meet here on the 4th Saturday of each month. Linda …Continue reading →