Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy had a good week and says her brother is doing better. Leann is thankful for an unexpected financial blessing. Cindy enjoyed getting to talk to family. Her daughter and son-in-law are safely …Continue reading →
Dear friends, most of you will know by now that we lost Bobbi Allison this week. The memorial is planned for December 11 during our usual service time. Tomorrow will be a normal service, but instead of introducing the message …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 27, "Whats with the Wine?"
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We continue our study in the book of John with Chapter 2, verses 1-11. This story always puzzled me. It’s the account of Jesus’ first miracle. You might expect it to be something of great significance, but on the surface …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving celebrations. That pretty well sums up the praise reports today. I did learn that my dad is doing better than I thought he was and I am thankful for …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, friends and family. It’s dim and damp outside, but it’s bright and warm in my heart as I think of you all. I so enjoyed our celebration last week. We truly have much to be thankful for. …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 20, "Counting our Blessings"
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our Thanksgiving message for 2022. You are my God, and I will give thanks to you. You are my God; I will exalt you. Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good, for his loyal love is forever. (Ps 118:28-29 …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Pris is thankful for salvation and for family. We’re thankful so many people are here. Cindy is thankful some good experiendes she had helping people over the past couple of weeks. She is …Continue reading →
Dear friends, the weather has finally turned. The holiday season is fast approaching, and some of us are ready to embrace it while others want to run away! I understand both points of view and have held them. But this …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 13, "What Do You Seek?"
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We finish up John Chapter 1 with a focus on verses 35-39. This is an account of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry as he begins to gather his first disciples. After John the baptist points Him out as the “lamb …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy got a good report from her doctors. April will get to see her father again. Debra is thankful to be getting answers from her doctor. Pris is thankful for improved relationships. Remember …Continue reading →