Rejoice with us and pray with us. Leann passed her finals. I enjoyed the conversation I had with my driver on the way in. Don and Brenda made it safely back from their trip. Leann asks prayer that her boyfriend’s …Continue reading →
This week, I want to offer you some comfort and encouragement if I can. We’re all facing trials. Some, if not most, are simply the results of living in a fallen world. Accidents happen. We age. We get sick. Eventually, …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from November 3, "What is Your Platform?"
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Election season is almost over. The official election day is this Tuesday. If you have not taken advantage of early voting, I strongly urge you to check your Bible, then check your ballot. A few months ago, the political parties …Continue reading →
I’m sure glad we did not go full virtual for the service last week. I never like to do that, because even though we are small there is always the chance for someone to come that we were not expecting. …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from October 27, "Speak of the Devil"
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As Halloween approaches, we see many representations of supposed beings from the dark world. Is it all fun and games? Is Satan nothing more than a silly cartoon character, or a real enemy with whom we must contend. As Christians, …Continue reading →
Hello, friends. I wanted to let you know that we will be having our service at the usual time today, but it will be a little shorter than normal due to key people being unavailable. If you can, join us …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from October 20, "So You Say You Know Jesus?"
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None of us have met Jesus in person, so what do we mean when we talk about knowing Him? How is it that any of us can say that we do? It is by the gift of His Holy Spirit …Continue reading →
I was having some trouble last evening saving the file with my notes, and apparently it never did actually save. So, here is what I remember. Feel free to chime in with anything I missed. Rejoice with us and pray …Continue reading →
Do you know Jesus? Yes, I’m writing on a church blog read primarily by church people, so what kind of question is that? If asked, I think every one of us would reply in the affirmative. From what I have …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from October 23, "What Is Worship?"
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What is worship? That may seem like a childish question, but many of us may answer it differently depending on the traditions that are familiar to us. When we come to church, many people call that a worship service. So …Continue reading →