Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from August 14, "When God Prayed for You"
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Would it surprise you to learn that God prayed for you? You might well ask how that could even be. To whom would He pray? It is we who pray to Him! But that ‘s exactly what happened. When Jesus …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I am thankful for God’s provision as I complete my first week of work. Cathy’s brother did well for his medical testing. Bobbi is getting better and will start physical therapy. Pray that …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, friends. I pray you are all doing well. It has been a busy week for me as it is my first week at the new job. I’m so grateful for the Lord’s provision, and I believe He …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from August 7, "Do You See What God Sees?"
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One time, Jesus was literally preaching to a packed house. It was so crowded that no one else could get in. He had already performed healing miracles, and everyone was flocking to him. Among them were 5 men, one of …Continue reading →
This one was kind of personal, but nothing was said that can’t be repeated, at least not in the part we’re sharing. 🙂 If you’re feeling a little down, come back and listen to the good words Pris spoke about …Continue reading →
Pray with us and rejoice with us. Pray for Cathy’s neighbor Terri who fell on her face on Thursday evening. Keep her brother Gary in prayer. Keep praying for Cathy as well. Debra’s mom is fighting an infection. Remember her …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, friends. My prayer for us this week is that we boldly proclaim the truth in love. The giants will be powerless against it. I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of our ministry. We’ll always have …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from July 31, "A Giant Mistake"
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It’s a story we all know well. We learned it in Sunday school if we grew up in church, but it’s one of those that almost everyone knows even if they didn’t. We love it when the underdog wins against …Continue reading →
Pray with us and rejoice with us. Pray for Bobbi. She is struggling with health problems. Pray for Pris and her family as Jo’s memorial is on Tuesday. Cathy asks prayer for Mark, an acquaintance suffering from a stroke. Debra …Continue reading →
Good morning, friends. I know by the time you read this it might not be morning, but you can have one tomorrow. 🙂 It is good to have people back together, now let’s bring in some ore! This Sunday would …Continue reading →