Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 13, "There's No Magic In It"
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Acts 19:11-20 is an account of some of the things that happened while Paul was in the city of Ephesus. I believe that Luke, who wrote the book of Acts by direction of the Holy Spirit, put these things together …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Clarke and Shelly got a vehicle. They are hopeful to get the health care they need. Cindy’s daughter’s surgery went well. Debra praises the Lord that she received medication that she feared may …Continue reading →
What a wonderful day we had last Sunday! Just about everyone was back, even Clarke and Shelly. Let’s keep it up and bring in some more! Priscilla said Kimi came through her surgery well. Bobbi went into the hospital on …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 6, "The Power of the Kingdom"
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There is an interesting statement by Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:20, “..the kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.” We talk a lot about the power of words. We speak of the word of God. John refers …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. It is good to have the Johnsons with us. Cindy is enjoying her new exercise program. Her daughter Michelle came through her knee surgery well. Anita is thankful to be able to get …Continue reading →
It promises to be a beautiful day. The sun it brightly shining and a cardinal is still singing in my back yard. I hope you are able to enjoy it. But regardless of the weather, which around here can change …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 27, "Born Again"
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Over the past few months we’ve talked a lot about God’s kingdom. We’ve seen how it operates on principles completely foreign to the world. We’ve seen how it’s citizens are to distinguish themselves. We have gotten a glimpse into the …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy’s procedure went well. Kimi is glad to be here and we are glad too. Don has met the requirements to be elegible for a new kidney. Priscilla rejoices in a new family …Continue reading →
Good day all. I hope you’re staying warm. I haven’t been on top of the local news, but based on what I’m seeing in my neighborhood it seems like we may have overreacted a bit to the fearcast. I am …Continue reading →