Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cindy enjoyed talking to Phil, Tim’s brother, yesterday. She enjoyed time with family. We are all expressing our joy in being together. Debra is thankful that she will be reimbursed for medical eXpenses. …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. I sure am looking forward to being with you this Sunday! I’m so blessed that everyone wants to be together and to share in our Fifth Sunday Fellowship. This one’s going to be extra special. …Continue reading →
I was counting on Zoom to record our meeting yesterday, thinking I had set it up to do that by default. When that changed I don’t know, but the result is that I have nothing to review and nothing to …Continue reading →
Good day, friends. I hope you are all staying warm. It certainly warms my heart when I think of your love for each other and your faithfulness to the body. I exchanged messages with Priscilla yesterday and they were improving. …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 16, "The Wedding Feast"
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We continue our study with the next parable that Matthew records in chapter 22, verses 2-14. It’s not clear whether this is part of the same discussion at the temple that we studied in the previous episode, but it …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I am thankful to get to see my parents for the first time in over two years. Cindy is glad to get her health care arrangements in place. She is thankful to be …Continue reading →
Dearly loved ones, my prayer for you this week is that you experience the peace of God, which is beyond comprehension. We missed those who could not be with us last week. We decided to delay the planned communion service …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 9, "The Purge"
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We continue from the last message with a closer look at the next parable that Jesus gave while speaking to the Pharisees at the temple. This one is even more pointed. It was a message to Israels leaders, but there …Continue reading →
Why do we do this every week? Some might wonder, so I’ll try to explain. The tradition of allowing time during each service for prayer requests is common to many churches, and I suppose that it has been a practice …Continue reading →