Happy Friday! Vacations are over. The decorations are or soon will be back in their boxes waiting for the next season. I hope everyone is rested and ready for the new year. It feels like a better one already. I …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 2, "The Kingdom in Action"
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In Matthew 21:28-32, we find another parable that Jesus gave with a very pointed message. To understand it more completely, we need the context of events surrounding it, so it will be helpful to read all of chapter 21 before …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cindy enjoyed spending time with her family. Kimi thanks the Lord for a better start to this year than last. Debra was able to start her new medication. It seems to be helping. …Continue reading →
Happy New Year! It’s your choice. I look forward to seeing the new things that God will do in 2022. There may be tough times ahead, but often that is what causes us to look up for answers. We need …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 26, "Last to First"
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Matthew 20:1-16 contains the story of the vineyard owner who hired workers at different times throughout the day and then paid them all the same wage even though some only worked for an hour. This is another parable that Jesus …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy’s brother is back home. April enjoyed Christmas with a new friend. Kimi enjoyed being with family and friends. One in particular for whom she has asked us to tpray is doing well. …Continue reading →
Merry Christmas one more time. I hope you are all able to enjoy your celebrations this week. It was a small crowd last Sunday, but we did have a couple of visitors. Do remember Priscilla’s sister Jo and the family …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 19, "What Day Is This?
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I have something to share with you that has caused me to question a belief I have had for years about Christmas. Yes, I think I was wrong, and since I shared one side with you before, it’s only right …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I’m looking for ward to seeing family this Christmas. Cathy rejoices in the birth of a great Grandson. Debra got everything done to apply for the medication she was prescribed. Don got …Continue reading →