Warm greetings, friends and family. Linda and I have just been hanging out in the back yard on this beautiful day. We’re blessed to be into June with such unusually comfortable temperatures. Enjoy it while you can. Summer will soon …Continue reading →
Brenda asked prayer for Barbara A who is experiencing some pain. Cindy asked that we pray for her grandson-in\- law, Austin. He was rushed to the hospital yesterday because of seizures. His potassium was low and they were about to …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from May 30, "Do You Want to Walk with Me?"
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One day as I was praying, the Lord asked me a question, “Do you want to walk with me?” For a long time, I have been conscious that some of my entertainment choices are not healthy for me, but I …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cindy’s house is on the market. April is progressing toward getting her own place. Cindy’s daughter found a house. Ruth and Cathy are back with us. Dede is also back with us. Kimi …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. If you were there last Sunday, you’re probably wondering what we’re doing this coming week. As of this writing, we are meeting in person, but if things change between now and then I will make …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from May 23, "Experience His Presence"
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The recognition of who Yahweh is and what He has done for us through song helps our hearts to come to a place where we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit within us. That’s why we have the Psalms. They …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. It is good to have Priscilla and Kimi back with us. Edith says that Stanley is set up in his new place and the house sold. Everything is working out for her family. …Continue reading →
Hello friends! It’s a beautiful morning as I write this. My prayer for you this week is that you experience in your heart the joy of the Lord. I pray that you feel His presence as I have this week …Continue reading →
Over the years we have talked about how God’s word should direct our lives and how all of it, including the Old Testament, is of value for us today. It all points to Jesus, and we can find wisdom everywhere …Continue reading →