Rejoice with us and pray with us. We’re all rejoicing just to be here. Cindy celebrated her youngest daughter’s birthday and oldest daughter’s marriage. I’m thankful for the Lord’s provision and for giving me the encouragement He knew I would …Continue reading →
Good day, friends. It is a good day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! It looks like rain, but we need the rain. This week I ran across another one of those verses …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 25, "The One Who Holds Your Hand"
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I was reading in the psalms earlier this week when a phrase got my attention. It’s from Psalm 37, which we studied late last year, but further down. In the New American Standard Bible, it reads this way. The steps …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. April rejoices that she is on the list for housing. We enjoyed having the Dallas Christian Fellowship of the Blind back together last night. Don thinks he has met the qualifications to get …Continue reading →
Hello friends. My prayer for you this week is that you are walking with your Heavenly Father, secure in the knowledge that He will never let go of your hand. It was good to see a few more people last …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 18, "Rest Assured"
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If I had to answer in a word how I have felt the last few years, it might be “tired.” I don’t think I’m alone. We all have demands made on us. We have responsibilities, families to care for, work …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy is thankful for a good report after her exam. Edith’s children were able to get their dad moved closer to where they live. Cindy enjoyed time with her family last week. Debra …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. I’m excited about what God is about to do in our church. I don’t know what it looks like yet, but I believe good things are coming. My life is certainly changing. The message I …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 11, "All In One"
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Much of the turmoil we have faced in America over the past few years seems rooted in racial conflict. I think much of that has been inflamed by people with agendas for which racial tension serves as a means to …Continue reading →