Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 21, "Only One Thing Is Necessary"
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This week I was praying, writing in my journal, looking for inspiration for the next message. I was thinking about the future. I was thanking the Lord for my job even as I complained about it. I started thinking about …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Dede is thankful to be here and we’re thankful she’s here. Anita had a good week. I am thankful that soon I should not need to work in the evenings. Cathy is thankful …Continue reading →
Hey y’all! 🙂 Every week I open with one a few tired greetings so I thought I’d get your attention. But I still love you. It was good to have just about everyone back again last Sunday. Now it’s time …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 14, "God Is Not Mocked"
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“What goes around comes around.” “He had it coming.” “They deserved it.” We hear things like that all the time. We have a sense of justice, and generally expect that eventually one’s actions will catch up to them. We’re quick …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. We praise the Lord that Ruth is out of the hospital and with us today. Anita is thankful her appointment went well. Kimi is thankful to be here and that Edward is ok …Continue reading →
Hello friends. It sure was good to see you last Sunday. I’m so glad we decided to come back together. As we continue to heal as individuals, I look forward to seeing how God brings new life into our corporate …Continue reading →
Ruth has been admitted to the hospital after passing blood. They have stopped it with medication but she is being held for observation and to see a GI in the morning.
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 7, "Making Good Decisions"
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We like choices, and we’ve never had more of them. We vehemently defend our right to choose, even if the choices we want to make are bad ones. It is actually very important that we have that ability. God built …Continue reading →