Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 7, "Making Good Decisions"
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We like choices, and we’ve never had more of them. We vehemently defend our right to choose, even if the choices we want to make are bad ones. It is actually very important that we have that ability. God built …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. We’re back together! We are all thankful that God has brought us through. Don is thankful that he has been able to keep working. Brenda is thankful for all the work they got …Continue reading →
I’m so excited! We’re coming back! It has been two months since we met in person. Going virtual was the right thing to do, but it will be good to worship together again. The state-wide mask mandate has been lifted, …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 28, "Are You Religious?"
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Has anyone ever called you religious? What did you think of that label? It hasn’t always been this way, but now it seems not even Christians want to be identified as being religious. You’ve probably heard and maybe even used …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Ruth has all her appointments scheduled so that she can get a complete diagnosis and will have the corona vaccine. Cindy has also gotten the first phase of the vaccine. Dede is thankful …Continue reading →
Good day friends. I hope it has been a better week for you than the one before. It certainly was a warmer one. We had hail at my house a couple of nights ago. Abut the only thing left for …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 21, "God's Good Gifts"
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When bad things happen, especially among church folk, someone is always there to tell you how God is going to bring something good from it. That’s the truth. I’ve said it myself. I have relied on it for my own …Continue reading →
Linda encourages us with the story of Blind Willie Johnson, a little-known preacher and gospel singer who served as inspiration for many who came after him.