Friends, it’s cold outside, but things are heating up. Several have been without power for long periods of time this week. I think everyone is back up now with the possible exception of Edith and the rolling blackouts have stopped …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 14, "Love in Disguise"
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Sometimes we don’t feel loved. Sometimes we’re disappointed because our expectations about what love should look like are not met. People let us down. We might even begin to think that God has let us down. Your enemy will certainly …Continue reading →
Pray with us and rejoice with us. Shelly asks prayer for a friend suffering from covid-19 in prison. She asks that we pray for her and Clarke as they strive to make good decisions. She prays for another friend to …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. I hope you’re all staying warm during this unusually cold season. Surprisingly, it has been colder. It was -8 degrees on February 12, 1899. We have decided to discuss week by week when we will …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 7, "If My People"
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I speak on our responsibility to our nation as the people of God from 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Many of us may know verse 14 by heart. It’s often quoted as we are exhorted to pray for our country. But verse …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Brenda is thankful that she is going to get some remodeling done on her home and that her household is well. Anita had a good week. Don was able to go back to …Continue reading →
Greetings, people of God! Do you think of yourself that way? If you’ve given your life to Him, that is who you are. My prayer is that we live in such a way that the world will know it and …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 31, "Armed and Dangerous"
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The text is from James 3:1-12. It seems there’s not much we can agree on lately as a country, but there’s one point on which we do seem to agree that I think would be a good place to start. …Continue reading →