Message by Larry Thacker Jr from august 18, "Stay Awake!"
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We see the world spiraling downward around us and think the end is surely near, but is it? We wouldn’t be the first to think so. Throughout the centuries, others have been just as certain, and they’ve all been proven …Continue reading →
I am looking forward to seeing you all today, though I am not sure who will be there. At last report Pris was not feeling well. Keep her in prayer. It may be a little warm today as I can …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from August 11, "I Can Do All Things"
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Some things we think we just can’t do, but when our source is the power that created the universe, is there ever room for “I can’t?” Maybe, but not when it comes to doing what He wants you to do, …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Priscilla is thankful for what God is teaching her. I am thankful for a visit with an old friend yesterday. There has been some progress with Deedee’s situation. Debra is thankful for another …Continue reading →
I have already mentioned how blessed I feel to be a part of this body. I realized something else as I was thinking about you all this week. There is not one of us who regularly attend services who is …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from August 4, "Words Matter"
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They say talk is cheap, but Jesus says otherwise. Your words matter. They reveal who you are. They can do great harm, and they can do great good. Jesus went so far as to say, “by your words you will …Continue reading →
I have not been consistently posting these of late because I was not aware that anyone was making use of them. Yesterday I learned otherwise, so I will see that they get done going forward. Rejoice with us and pray …Continue reading →
It’s hot outside, but there are cool things happening at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple. I feel so blessed to have such a faithful church family. This wouldn’t be the place to call out exactly who you are and what you’re doing, …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr from July 28, "Let Me See Your Fruit"
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This is an election year, and unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, I didn’t need to tell you that. We are perpetually pelted with political proclamations of how one candidate is the best and the opposing candidate is …Continue reading →