Dear friends, it will be so good to see you tomorrow. I listened to the recording from last week and there was a lot of talk about getting back to normal. I appreciate the thoughts expressed. Normal is a relative …Continue reading →
Yes, it’s a bit late…ok a lot late, but this was my first opportunity to get it done. I am sorry. Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy is thankful to have Ruth with her. Priscilla enjoyed getting to …Continue reading →
Hello everyone. I pray today finds you rejoicing in the goodness of our God. Whatever we are going through, we can trust the He takes care of His children. Here’s what’s coming up this weekend. You’re in for something different. …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from July 26, "Who Does That?"
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Turn the other cheek? If someone sues you, give them more than they are trying to take? If someone forces you to do something, do more than they demand? Love your enemies? Who does that? Well, apparently we’re supposed to. …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy enjoyed her birthday and had a good week. Tim is getting better and is able to be back with us today. Ruth is recovering after having a syst removed. Pray for her …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. We’re still here. I just ended up working so much last week that I barely had time to put together a message in the middle of Saturday night and didn’t get to share the usual …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker JR. from July 19, "Do You Know Jesus?"
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Do you know Jesus? Has anyone ever asked you that question before? If you have been in church long, probably so. Most church people will answer “Yes” to a question like that, but do we? In 1 John 2:1-6, John …Continue reading →