Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 21, "The Father's Sacrifice"
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We’ve been talking for the last couple of weeks about who Jesus is. We know him as God, and also as the son of God. For there to be a son, there must be a father. It is in the …Continue reading →
Sunday School by Linda Thacker from June 21, "Truth Matters"
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Should Christians be in support of the Black Lives Matter movement? Linda led with the following video and shared some truth with us. The audio has been incorporated into the podcast file, but as a means of proper attribution we’ve …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Shelly is thankful to have gotten some financial aid and rejoices in a restored relationship with her grandson. Clarke is doing better. She is thankful for God’s deliverance. Cathy is thankful for another …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. Here’s the scoop. This Sunday will be Father’s Day. For many of us, it will be a time to remember dads who are no longer with us, and so may bring some sadness with it. …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker JR. from June 14, "In the beginning Was the Word"
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We sing about Jesus. We often pray to Jesus. We end our prayers in Jesus’s name. We talk about knowing Jesus, but sometimes I wonder if many who go by the name Christian really get who Jesus is. I dare …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Shelly is thankful for Clarke. She praises the Lord that much of what she was told is wrong with her wasn’t or has been healed. She is thankful that she is learning to …Continue reading →
Good morning, God’s people! If it’s not morning for you, have a good one tomorrow! It’s going to be a warm one today, but He gave us air conditioning, so come and join the warm harts in our cool …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 7, "Only Jesus"
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As I contemplated what bit of wisdom I might share regarding current events, the Holy Spirit brought to mind Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Verse 2 reads, “I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him …Continue reading →