Rejoice with us and pray with us. First of all, a big thanks to Cindy for taking the requests and capturing them for me. Cathy is thankful that they had a good week. Tim had a good birthday week and …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved one. My prayer for you this week is that God will do a new thing in your life. There are certainly new things happening at BBT, or at least different things. This Sunday, you will get …Continue reading →
I apologize for taking so long to put these up. It was a rough weekend followed by a busy workweek. But the good thing is I am recovering nicely. Thank the Lord. So, as is our custom, we begin with …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, friends and family of BBT. I pray this finds you drawing closer to our Lord for strength to overcome life’s challenges. I sure would like to see you at church on Sunday. God never meant for us …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 19: Management Lessons
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I shared from one of the most puzzling, at least to me, things Jesus said that is recorded for our benefit in Luke 6:1-13. This is the story of the crooked manager. There seems to be some debate about what …Continue reading →
Flashback: Sunday School from March 29, 2009 by Arvella
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Linda asked that we share this for our Sunday school session this week. It is the only recording we know of and may have been the last time she taught before going home to Jesus.
Join with us in prayer and in Praising God for what He has done. Pray for Priscilla. She was not at church because of pain from a torn shoulder and since then I have learned that she fell and messed …Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. Here’s what’s happening. We ran a little short last week since there was a miscommunication about what was supposed to happen during the Sunday school session, but that worked out because we had plenty of …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 12: A Laughing Matter
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God gave both Abram and his wife new names. These are the ones we all recognize, Abraham and Sarah. Then He told Abraham that he would have a son by Sarah. By this time Abraham is 100 and Sarah 90 …Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cathy and Ruth are glad to be back. Kelvin is back with us. Kimi rejoices in having seen family. Debra is thankful for new clothing. Brenda is thankful for a good week and …Continue reading →