The Bartimaeus Blog 2022.6
Hello, loved ones. I pray you are doing well. Our little freeze turned out to be nothing more than we often see at this time of year, and that’s a good thing. Hopefully all the hype has dried up with … Continue reading →
Messages about upcoming sermons and events.
Blessings to you, loved ones. I sure am looking forward to being with you this Sunday! I’m so blessed that everyone wants to be together and to share in our Fifth Sunday Fellowship. This one’s going to be extra special. … Continue reading →
Good day, friends. I hope you are all staying warm. It certainly warms my heart when I think of your love for each other and your faithfulness to the body. I exchanged messages with Priscilla yesterday and they were improving. … Continue reading →
Dearly loved ones, my prayer for you this week is that you experience the peace of God, which is beyond comprehension. We missed those who could not be with us last week. We decided to delay the planned communion service … Continue reading →
Happy Friday! Vacations are over. The decorations are or soon will be back in their boxes waiting for the next season. I hope everyone is rested and ready for the new year. It feels like a better one already. I … Continue reading →
Merry Christmas one more time. I hope you are all able to enjoy your celebrations this week. It was a small crowd last Sunday, but we did have a couple of visitors. Do remember Priscilla’s sister Jo and the family … Continue reading →
Merry Christmas y’all! This week will be our Christmas celebration. We’ll have a shorter service. I will read the traditional Christmas story and say just a few words, and then we’ll move to the back for the food and fellowship. … Continue reading →