The Bartimaeus Blog 2021.52
Merry Christmas one more time. I hope you are all able to enjoy your celebrations this week. It was a small crowd last Sunday, but we did have a couple of visitors. Do remember Priscilla’s sister Jo and the family in prayer. She has been diagnosed with Leukemia.
Everyone seemed eager to be back in church on the 26th, so we will be having services as normal. That sure does bless my heart. I’ll pick up where we left off last month before all the excitement. We will cover Matthew 20:1-16. This is the story of the vineyard owner who hired workers at different times throughout the day and then paid them all the same wage even though some only worked for an hour. This is another parable that Jesus begins by saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like…” Again, He contrasts the ways of the world with the ways of the kingdom. It is a message of grace and of hope for all of us.
I figured everyone would be partied out, but there was some interest in sharing a meal again together. We made no formal plans, but if people would like to bring something to share as we wrap up 2021, we’ll make time for it. There is no expectation or obligation.
Love y’all!