Hello, loved ones. I pray you are doing well. Our little freeze turned out to be nothing more than we often see at this time of year, and that’s a good thing. Hopefully all the hype has dried up with the last remnants of the snow and we can go on with life. I know we did at BBT, and it was a joy to see you all there on Sunday.
Many of you will have seen the prayer request from Cindy for her sister’s 3-year-old great grandchild in the hospital with meningitis. Cindy called me with the rest of the story. She was injured in a sledding accident where she cracked her skull on Sunday. She seemed to be recovering then crashed, and they found she had meningitis.
Keep the Gibson family in your prayers as well. Jay is slowly improving. Jacob is still having the seizures and has had a couple of falls. June is not doing well but they have gotten rid of the infection.
This Sunday, we’ll be in Matthew 25:31-46. This ends the teaching that Jesus began after the disciples asked Him for signs of the end. It is not an analogy in the same way as the previous parables that He has used to illustrate kingdom principles…or is it? This is one we hear a lot, usually to scare us into doing what someone thinks, rightly or wrongly, that we should be doing. Certainly we aught to care for the needy, but is that really the primary message of these verses? Does our salvation hang in the balance? Let’s take a look.
See you there!
Love y’all,