Yesterday morning, I was watching YouTube clips from I Stand Sunday, a rally that was held in support of the Houston pastors defending their rights. I was inspired. It was delightful to see such a diverse group of pastors standing together for what they believe. I encourage you to go search for the videos. AFA has posted them all to YouTube.
However, the most important message of that night was not about standing for rights or demanding justice. The thing we all need to hear is that it starts with us. Thank God for the freedoms we enjoy in this nation. Our Constitution has provided for the best government man can devise, but therein lies the problem. Man devised it. I believe that God was with us, but as long as we run things, we will mess them up. We’ve done just that.
How then can I say that it starts wiht us? By “us” I mean the people of God. Several references were made to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We should always use caution and look at the context when we single out bits of scripture. This one was written to the nation of Israel. It is a message from God to King Solomon after he has built and dedicated Yahweh’s temple in Jerusalem. I think we should read verse 13 whenever we read verse 14. God is speaking to a nation that will fall away and entered a period of judgment. The pattern has already been repeating itself since the time the people of Israel left Egypt. And so it goes with us.
This is a message to Israel, but the truth is transcendent. We too are His people who are called by His name. I believe that we are entering a time of judgment shortly if it has not already begun. In that day, He does not call upon those who do not know Him to humble themselves and pray. How can they? He calls upon His people, called by His name, to humble themselves and pray, turning from their wicked ways.
It is the church who must repent. It is the church who must speak the truth. It is the church who must remember the God who saved us, a God of love, yes, but also a God of justice. We sing of His love and mercy. We ask His help in time of trouble. Yet we do not obey Him, and we wonder why He doesn’t answer. We lament the problems of our country and of the world, but how can it be anything but dark if we are not lighting it up?
I hope you’ll come and join us, because I believe this is God’s message across this nation for this time.