This week I am going to bring the message I had for last week. It is found in Luke the 3rd chapter vs 21-22. This is Luke’s version of the baptism of Jesus. All four of the Gospel’s talk about this but Luke’s version is different than the others. Luke makes it looks like the dove and voice from above came after everyone else had been baptized and Jesus had gone away to pray. I want us to look at what happens when Jesus prays. He has a special relationship with his Heavenly Father. I want us to see we have that same relationship with our Heavenly Father. The people back in Jesus day never understood they could have that same relationship with God as Jesus did. I hope you will be in Church this week and invite someone to come with you.
I was so glad to hear that Ruth’s sister is better and did not have a heart attack. Also Ruth went to the doctor last week and all the things we prayed for after church came true. God is so good and he loves it when his people trust him to heal them, to provide for them, to be with them when they are all alone, and even when we mess up God can make something good out of our messes. Please keep this ministry in your prayers and lets continue to do good things in the name of Jesus. We will see you on Sunday, Lord willing!!!!
We love you,
Pastor David & Pris