July 31 Message and Making Evangelism Accessible Kickoff
My question for you this week is, “what is important to you?” As churchgoing Christians, we’ve been pretty well trained to give the right answer to a question like that, but what is the real answer that is reflected by how we live our lives? Our launch passage this week is Matthew 21:28-31. Jesus tells a story in response to the Pharisee’s questioning of his authority. Earlier in the chapter we read that they saw all the great things He was doing, but instead of glorifying God, they were indignant about the children who were praising Him. They had a problem with priorities. This parable is the first of several that Jesus tells to illustrate the position that the Pharisees were in. It should make us think about our own lives. is what we say we Will do what we actually do? What’s really important to us?
We’re looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.