Message for January 18: Excuses, Excuses!
I sure missed all of you last Sunday. I am looking forward to being back together and the weather will be much better.
Yesterday I found out from Pastor David that Richard Blake has been in the hospital this week after a bad fall coming out of his apartment. His injuries include several broken ribs. Pray for his recovery and comfort
This Sunday I want to share with you from the book of Luke, chapter 14. Most of the chapter covers what happened at a dinner that Jesus was invited to at the home of a prominent Pharisee. After Jesus has given several illustrations that addressed the particular failures of the Pharisees and of many of us, one of his listeners says, “Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!” In response, Jesus tells this parable in Luke 14:16-24. He seems to be saying, “Is that what you really think?” The reality is something else.
Jesus has just given some instruction on how we should live, but in this story the king has done all the work. He has incurred all of the expense of putting on a feast. All he is asking of the guests is that they come. But they don’t want to come and offer up poor excuses for why they can’t. There’s a lesson for us here. We get comfortable amidst the trappings of our religious practice, but Jesus says that’s all wrong. He is looking for relationship. He has invited us to join Him, but if we keep making excuses, the invitation is eventually withdrawn. We must come to a place where our livelihood, our possessions, and our relationships are not as important as our relationship with the King, Jesus. An we see that He will have his guests, even if he has to go out and compel them to come in.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Linda is also excited to share with you an encouraging message during the Sunday School time. Come join us!