Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 26
We praise God for all the rain! Shelly is thankful that she got her medication and is getting better. Clark is better. Pam is thankful for the Lord’s blessing and His promise that He is always with us. Jana thanks the Lord for a good week and a good day. She’s thankful for graduations in her family. Karen is blessed to be here and that she will get the surgery she needs. Brenda is able to go back to work. Cindy is thankful for things getting done around the house. Jana says her daughter got an internship with the city of Dallas.
Lupe asks prayer over a custody battle being faced by her granddaughter. Edith has been having trouble sleeping. She said she hasn’t slept much since Thursday. Pray for Ruth’s neighbor Martin who fell and is now in the hospital. Brenda’s uncle Bill is in the hospital. Pray for Linda’s friend Chuck and his family. Chuck lost a younger brother last week. Shelly asks prayer for healing for both her and Clark. Pray for their overall welfare as well. Jana is getting ready for a move. Didi still hasn’t got everything she needs to actually move into her new home. Pray for Priscilla who is not feeling well and is not here today. Pray for the family as they remember her sister Carol. Keep praying for Chuck Small.