Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 31
Shelly praises God that Clarke got his retirement and they will soon be in their new house. She thanks Pastor David, Kenneth and Kimi for helping get beds for her granddaughters. She says Kelly is doing well but may have gotten all the benefit she can from the therapy. Shelly is praising God for His blessings. Ruth heard from her doctor this week that she can no longer see well enough to drive. She has chosen to praise the Lord that He has kept her from possibly hurting someone in a wreck. There is a surgery that may help. She has to decide whither she wants to try it. Don says his medical condition has stabilized. Cindy is thankful for family working together in the past week. Anita thanks everyone again for praying for her and says that she is now off many of her medications. Priscilla got a new dishwasher. Her niece Michelle is now doing much better. It was so good to have Frances back with us!
Ruth said that Lupe asked prayer for herself and her family. Pray also for Tim and Cindy’s newly expanded household as they adjust after Tim’s daughter moved in. It’s great to have them with us. We’re getting enough children now that we might need a children’s program. Shelly asks that we pray for a patient, Mr. Fritz, a veteran of eighty-six years suffering from multiple health issues. He also recently lost a broth. Pray also for another patient, Leon. Doug is in a lot of pain after his fall about a month ago. His hip and knee are hurting him so that he cannot walk easily. He did not feel well enough to come. Keep praying for Austin, Cindy’s granddaughter’s boyfriend, who is having migraines so severe that he goes to the emergency room. They’ll be performing more tests this week. Pray for Dede’s family. Pray for Bob, father of Karen and William, friends of the church, who has recently suffered a stroke and internal bleeding. Keep praying for Priscilla’s parents, especially Glenn. Cathy is dealing with the aftermath of flooding at her house. Lisa needs a Hoyer lift for her son. Brenda lost her cat to local wildlife. She tearfully asked prayer for children on her bus, that recently separated parents would work it out for their sake.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.