Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of January 28
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Kimi is much better and she is here. Debra is back with us! Ruth is glad to be able to be here. Pastor david enjoyed spending time with friends. Kimi also enjoyed time with family and friends and time with the Lord. Lupe’s friend’s husband is getting better. Cindy enjoyed getting more work done on her home. Dede enjoyed reconnecting with a cousin she hasn’t seen in a while. I got to share Jesus with my driver last night. Pray that Imtiaz will come to saving faith. Leanne is getting caught up on her school work. Kimi is thankful for everyone who helps make the church work.
Debra is having trouble with her shoulders and is having trouble getting the treatment she needs. Lupe asks prayer for Hortensia, a neighbor who is very sick and on dialysis. Cindy asks prayer for little Cindy who is ill and that her family will stay well. Keep praying for clarke. Lisa prays for finalization of Janes circumstances. Keep praying for Rachel. Keep praying for Kelly. Pray for Marilyn, wife of Priscilla’s uncle. He passed away.
Thank the Lord for all He has done and be His answer to someone else’s prayer this week!