Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 23
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
We have such a great crowd here today! Kim, Teresa, Ana, and Debra are all with us as well as Ruth’s sister Mary Ellen. We also have visitors! Kim thanks everyone for their prayer and supposrt and rejoices in being back. Debra got her surgery and is doing much better. April rejoices in being able to be here Mary praises the Lord that Rachel got into a good school. Cathy is thankful for a safe trip last week. Tim is getting better and was able to work all week. Ruth is glad to be safely home and feeling better. Mary Ellen rejoices that her grandson is doing so well after his fight with cancer. Don and Brenda enjoyed taking Jane to 6 Flags on Friday.
Keep praying for Kelly. April prays for a friend’s family after she passed away. She prays for Ray and Gina, a couple where she lives. Kim asks prayer for a friend Marty who is suicidal and struggles with alcoholism. She asks prayer for Edward who has a difficult job. Edith asks prayer for her health. Cindy asks prayer for her family. Mary prays for Rachel’s placement in school and Travis’s training. Keep praying for Didi. Ruth asks prayer for her health. Keep praying for Anita. She was doing better when Pastor David last spoke to her but he could not get in touch with her for church today. Debra will have a follow-up visit tomorrow for her pain management. Clarke has had money stolen from his bank. Pray for his health as well. Pray for Linda.
Be a blessing this week as you have been blessed!