Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of March 26
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth and Lupe are both home sick. Cathy’s mother-in-law is still not eating well. Pray for Ginger, someone Cathy knows who is just out of the hospital having two stents put in. Cindy prays for the grandchildren as they have testing at chill this week. Anita asks us to pray for her sons and grandchildren. Keep praying for Brenda’s neighbor Nora having trouble with her knees and the neighbor’s sister in the hospital for more than six months. Pastor asks us to pray for Linda. Keep praying for Clarke who is struggling with pain. Keep praying for Debra. Keep praying for Galen as he faces the possibility of brain surgery. Didi is still looking for a place to live. Lisa is also home not feeling well. Keep praying for John’s full recovery.
We are delighted to have John back with us today. Cindy and Rachel got new glasses. Cindy is thankful for new enhancements to her new truck. Cathy praises the lord that the adopted grandchildren are home and in school for the first time.
Be an answer to prayer this week.