Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 24
Kelly is visibly moving her legs better. Ruth’s doctor said her eye is better and she will not need shots. Little Kingston is doing better. Priscilla said the bleeding behind her eye has reduced substantially. She got some assistance with the medication she will need. Clark got his medication and is doing better. Shelly may have a job. Cathy’s knee is better after a shot. Debra thanks the Lord that her shoulder is no longer hurting and she hasn’t needed more than one shot. She is moving better.
Keep praying for Brenda’s shoulder. Perry Fleman is not doing well after they stopped chemo. Ruth asks prayer for a friend of her cousin named Karen who is having trouble with vision. She has another acquaintence with colon cancer. Kelly wants us to keep praying for her. Shelly reminds us to pray for all of those affected by the recent weather. Kimi has fluid in her ears and still needs our prayers. Keep praying for Shelly and Clark. Cathy asks us to pray for all of those currently serving in the military on this Memorial day. Brenda asks prayer for her cousin Judy and Brenda’s uncle. Her coworker has cancer on his back. Pray also for Priscilla’s ears. She’s still having problems with them after the eardrums burst. Keep praying for Didi.