Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pris is thankful for surprisingly good results from her doctor appointment. Kimi did well after her surgery. Cathy has learned that her treatment will be much less severe than feared. Brenda enjoyed gifting the blankets she made. Anita is thankful that her labs looked good. Leann is thankful that she was able to get an extension on her education without additional charges.
Anita got a letter that said she may have serious problems with her heart. Cathy asks that we remember the Cole/Clark family. Don asks prayer for a friend of his daughter who has a boyfriend who had a heart attack. Don has more medical testing coming up. Pray for my father’s health and for my mom. Remember Pris’s sister Jo. She has been given two bad options for her recovery, neither of which give her much more time. Debra’s mom may have some medical concerns. Pray for Duncan, an acquaintance of Debra’s in the hospital with a heart blockage. Kimi asks that we pray for a friend Dian with a medical issue. Pray for Kenneth. Kimi’s friend Phillip is in need of prayer and his father is ill. Leann will need knee surgery. Pray for Shelly and Clarke. Pris is going to get another shot for pain on Wednesday. She is having trouble with her hands. She is also having kidney trouble.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.
Larry Call Mama