Please add to your prayers for Cathy and family comfort as they grieve more relatives. She lost a cousin, Gail recently and has just learned that Gail’s mother Caroline has passed. Also Carlton who we have been praying for in the past is now in hospice care and not expected to be here for much longer.
Prayer and praise from September 12
Our service yesterday was dedicated to the memory of Ruth. Some prayer requests were sent via text message after the service.
I will add a request that we remember Cathy and family in prayer as it may be harder now that the activity is all over. Pray also for Barbara A. She could not even sit through the service because of her pain. Cindy asks prayer for her former neighbor, Wanda, whose health and mental acuity continues to decline. Pray for Cindy’s brother Mike who is in ICU with Covid. April lost her cousin Chriscynthia to Covid.
Cindy praises God that she was able to improve her financial situation. I’m looking forward to our homecoming service on Sunday.
Be an answer to prayer this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of September 5
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Cathy praises the Lord that Ruth is beyond suffering now and is with her Lord. Kimi rejoices in being here today. Anita is thankful that she was able to get dialysis after her surgery. Brenda got to see her mom and she is doing well. Priscilla is thankful for God’s peace.
Cathy has several relatives with covid. Priscilla’s son Gregg lost his father-in-law to covid last week. Priscilla asks prayer for the granddaughter of her friend, Briana, who got really scraped up in a bicycle accident. Pray for Leann and her family. Pray for Cathy and her family.
Love y’all!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 29
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Kimi is thankful for the opportunities she has had to pray with people recently. Anita is thankful that she is ok after surgery on her arm last week. Debra is thankful for good lab results. Leann is thankful for mostly good test results. We are thankful that she has been able to join us. We also rejoice that Kimi is back with us. Priscilla is thankful for an encouraging experience she had with someone who recognized the Spirit in her. Kimi’s friend is home from the hospital.
Pray for the faculty and students of Forney High School. Cindy reports there have been some violent incidents there and a student caught with drugs and a gun. Pray for Tommy, Kimmi’s brother’s father-in-law suffering terribly with covid. Pray for Stephany. She went into the hospital with covid and learned she has cancer. Pray for Kimi’s friend Hunter who want to adopt. Pry for Cyndy’s daughter with covid. Edward has been sick. Pray for Louisiana as Ida is on land as we speak. Pray for the situation in Afghanistan. Pray for the troops and for the people stranded there. Pray especially for the Christians. Pray for our leaders.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 22
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
We are all excited to b here together today. Kimi is doing better. Brenda is thankful for a good week. Debra is thankful that her dog is getting out more. Cindy’s home sold and she has a car. Anita’s grandson also got a car. Dede thanks the Lord for his Goodness to her. Leann got the medical testing she needed. Brenda is thankful that her mom will get the care she needs.
Dede is having cramps in her stomach and arms. Debra prays for good results with her medical testing tomorrow. Remember Bobbi. Pray for Brenda’s friend BJ. Remember Ruth and Cathy. Remember the Gibson family. Pray for priscilla’s friend Stephany who has just learned that she has cancer. Pray for Kimi. Remember Edith. Pray for Shelly and Clarke.
Be Blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 15
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Debra and April enjoyed going to the National Church Council of the Blind conference that was held here in Dallas this year and making new friends. I also enjoyed meeting some people I had only spoken to over the phone and getting to share a message on that Sunday morning. April is on the list for housing here in Dallas. Brenda says the service for her brother was good. She is glad to have seen him shortly before he passed away. She asks prayer for her brother-in law. Her mom seems to be doing well. Cindy is well on the way to getting the sale on her house closed. I’m excited to have made a little progress on a new project that I think the Lord has given me.
Debra is hoping she will be able to go back to the same conference next year. April asks prayer over her living situation. Anita is thankful that she has been doing well and prays for strength. Keep praying for Kimi. If I understand correctly, she was taken to the ER yesterday before time for church because they could not get vitals on her at the urgent care facility. They have identified the issue and she is going to be ok. Remember Ruth. She was not able to make it to church again due to pain. She was not up much last week. I only got to speak with her a couple of times. Brenda reminds us to pray for her daughter Becky and for her daughter’s friend Linda who lost her son. Keep praying for Barbara A. She is still dealing with pain. Anita has learned that she has severe osteoporosis in her legs. Dede’s back is hurting her.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 8
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I apologize for the delay in getting these published.
Cathy is thankful any time Ruth is able to be up. Cindy is all moved in and unpacked. The sale of her house is proceeding as it should. Linda and I enjoyed seeing old friends last week. I was happy with the message I was blessed to deliver that morning at services for the National Church Council of the Blind conference. Our invitations for homecoming are ready to go out. Priscilla is relieved that Kimi did not have Covid. Kimi was feeling better this morning.
Cindy’s leg is still bothering her some. Keep Ruth and Cathy in prayer. Remember Brenda’s family in the loss of her brother. The memorial was on Sunday as we met. Clarke is in the hospital with Covid and Shelly also has it. Priscilla’s friend Pat has it. Another friend Stephani has a blood infection on top of Covid and is fighting for her life. David’s sister’s grandson, Strider, is very sick.Another relative Kelly is sick. Pray for an end to Covid-19 and for wisdom in addressing it. Brenda sent a request to pray for her daughter’s friend, Linda, who found her son dead last week. Anita asked prayer for her aunt’s family and for herself.
Anyone is welcome to reply here or use the prayer request form to add requests or fill in anything I missed. Let god answer prayer through you this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of august 1
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Debra is thankful that one of her medications is being cut back. Kimi rejoices in being here another week. Priscilla is doing better after being sick last week. Leanne got insurance. Brenda is glad that we’re here together again. Don is thankful to still have work.
Kimi asks pryaer for her friend Angela who is concerned for her health. Pray for her friend Josh. Anita asks prayer for the mother of her daughter-in-law who has been ill for some time. Debra asks prayer over the conference she is going to next week. Keep Dede in prayer. Pray for Brenda’s family as they work through care for her mother. Keep praying for Ruth and Cathy. Remember Priscilla. Kay asks for prayer.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 25
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
We are overjoyed to have Ruth and Cathy and Priscilla and Kimi back with us today! Priscilla rejoices that she feels better. Kimi also rejoices in being back with us. Priscilla is looking forward to seeing family. Brenda is happy that the family has come up with a good solution for caring for her mother. She is thankful that she got to spend time with her brother recently.
Anita asks prayer for her granddaughters. Pray for Brenda’s family as she lost her brother. Pray for the Gibson family as Jerry has gone home. Priscilla’s grandson Max has had a loss in his family. They also have Covid. Keep praying for don. Cindy is still having pain in her leg and hip. Anita prays all goes well at her next appointment this week. Keep praying for Kimi. Priscilla is still awaiting biopsy results. Pray for my niece Britanee and her family who have caught Covid. Keep praying for Barbara A. With her pain. Keep praying for Dede.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 18
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
I am praising the Lord for new relationships that I pray will lead to new ideas for our church. Leanne is enjoying her new job. Debra is excited to get to go to a national church conference for the blind that will be held starting August 7. Anita is happy that she has had no more trouble with dialysis and she is getting plenty of rest. Brenda enjoyed getting to see family last week. She asks that we pray for her mom and her brother.
Ruth fell a couple of times on Friday. She is home sore from that. Keep her and Cathy in prayer. Priscilla came through her surgery well. Pray for her continued recovery. Right now she is in pain but better than before. Cindy went to the doctor last week for the pain in her leg and they said it was a pinched nerve and gave her medication for it. She was not with us. I will check in with her today. Edith is no longer able to keep working due to her health issues. Pray for her healing inside and out. Bobbi is struggling with her health and barely able to stand. Leanne asks prayer for all of her family. Anita prays for her aunt whose health continues to decline. Dede asked for our prayers. Pray for Brenda’s friend BJ as she deals with the stress of a marriage in crisis. Pray also for her husband Charles.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.